Saturday, November 12, 2011

Raining again. Woke up 10plus this morning and it was like OMG WTF?! raining ):
my shoes sure wet ltr , so yeahhhh wear a slipper instead to work . In the end when i reach my house downstair the rain stop ! .__. like wtf. walk walk to bus stop and sit sit the bus . hahaha Reach work at about 11.45 and start working (: Need check for expiry date of products so yeahh keep on stand and squat >< my leg is like super suan ! think 2moro leg cramp. hahaha
left less than 2 more weeks of attachment . Jiayou ! >< kinda miss it but yeahhh . They ask me if i want to continue as a part timer but i cant study and work tgt >< it a NO for me . i can only handle one ehh . and recently feel something is lacking . Just felt not right . ):

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