Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It raining ! rain rain go away come another day ~
wake up at 10plus right after my dog step on my face .___. do some report stuffs and off i go for my lunch ! :D go out to orchard to meet shiqi, stella and xiaorong ! :D do some shop shop walk walk around thr and went home while shiqi go work work ! :D it raining heavily so yeahhh we three share a umbrella and walk to the MRT . hmmm stella!! :D dont feel sad or what ! cos you have another job opportunities right ! :D next will be better ! :D so yeahhh will look out for u too ! (:
went back home , ltr plan to do some shopping for my mum bday present with my jie ! (: going to parkway ltr when my mum is out so that she wont notice ! :D hahahahha .

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