Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yeahhhhh tomorrow end and it my off day ! But it one day only so no much difference :/
My cher walk pass the store today and i was like super SHOCK LOLOLOLS.
She wave at me and smile awwwww so sweet of her come and visit me ! but no worry la cher I wont pon my attachment de ! :D hahahaha left 2 more weeks of working by this end week sure miss this job but yeahhh i also want faster end to get my little paid and spend it at taiwan ! :D muhahahaha already decided to go there and buy super alot many clothes ! hahaha
and i just found out today that I need to do powerpoint slide for my report also ): so siannnnn .
Gonna prepare soon cos if i last minute do sure not good de :/ hahahaha
Omggggg im gonna sleep soon if not tomorrow gonna yawn at work time ><
Nights readers <3 :D

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